Enterprice Mobile App
The sudden and rapid explosion of mobile technology offers huge opportunities. While it seems likely that a number of mobile platforms will continue to thrive, mobile customers are demanding a very high quality of user experience from their applications.The explosion of mobile is for a good reason. People prefer the engagement and immediacy of mobiles. Mobiles fit into a person’s lifestyle, moving with them, rather than demanding people meet them on the technology’s terms.

Martin Fowler used to name the two extremes the Laser strategy and the Cover-Your-Bases strategy. “It is important to remember that the trade-off between platform coverage and fidelity of experience only constitutes your opening gambit when moving into the mobile space. Mobile apps and strategy will evolve.”
- The Laser strategy is to focus on a small set of features and just one platform, but with a very polished and immersive user experience. You would follow this strategy when experience is key to your app or product. Often, the app would substantially be the product.
- The Cover-Your-Bases strategy is to focus on building a lower fidelity app across many, if not all, of the mobile platforms. This app would provide a consistent feature set and experience across all platforms. This strategy is most suitable when you already have a large user base and the app would be a new channel to access your existing product.

What we do?
- Progressive web application development.
- Think about building a single application that presents across multiple devices: mobile, desktop, tablet – or whatever device your users might use.
- Set strategic approach to be consistent in delivering effective user experience.
- Designers, prototype engineers always have a way out to the problem and will enlighten it in newer ways.
- UX testing model.
Case Studies
SignIn and Batching
Helps vendor service representatives to checkin quickly instead of waiting in long queue before entering hospitals.
Developed mobile application that runs in any device and allows the representatives to securely login using open standard authentication protocols. We implemented push notifications to inform representatives ahead of their appointment confirmation.
Technology we play with